Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Here we go again...

Gas prices have been steadily rising over the past month, and the blame game is back.

"Those darn oil companies are price gouging!"

"There's plenty of oil but those darn environmentalists won't let us get it out of the ground!"

"We should be able to run our cars on something else but it's not in the politicians' best interest to have alternative energy sources."


It's simpler than that. Aggregate global oil production is climaxing and the growth in supply is being outpaced by the growth in demand.

If you think it's ugly now, just wait a few years and you'll be longing for the days when you could buy gasoline at $2.75 a gallon.


Blogger google_PEAK_OIL said...

Sometimes I lurk in the gas price whiner's forums looking for any signs of enlightenment among the public about the true nature of our energy predicament. Occasionaly some brave soul will attempt to inform the whiners about the energy supply disaster that we are racing towards, only to be shouted down and ridiculed.

The consensus of opinion seems to be that oil is infinitely abundant and that the price is being manipulated by greedy evildoers either in Saudi Arabia or in oil company boardrooms.

peaknik, would you be interested in allowing another contributor to your blog?
email lowonoil (at) xmission.com

6:40 AM  
Blogger George said...

In addition to peak oil issues we must also understand the world is going to be seriously challenged by the rising oceans and consequential flooding due to melting ice. Climate change means change in growing seasons and diminished agricultural production leading to increased famine and world wide starvation.

Iran will soon have the bomb and one wonders if the Israelis using US supplied technology, missles and bombs will take out their nuclear facilities setting the stage for another war in the Middle East involving us.

Frankly, there is little to be positive about looking forward toward anything. Peak Oil is just one of the several swords hanging over our heads.

Choose your poison or the sword you want to fall on.

8:26 AM  

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