100 North and 100 East in Centerville

(click on the image for a clearer version)
I'll let the satellite image explain itself. But another nice thing about this location is that it's right between 400 East, where bus 55 runs, and Main Street, on which bus 70 runs. And it's also a historic neighborhood with some very lovely homes and mature trees. And lastly, this neighborhood has some undeveloped infill, which would come in handy for local food production.
It appears you are real estate shopping, peaknik. A word of caution. We may be at the collapse point of a nationwide speculative bubble for housing prices. It appears that much of the recent gains in housing prices have been due to the illusory affects of speculative resellers selling to other speculative resellers, and builders flooding the market to accomodate the speculative frenzy. The end result is that housing has been inflated to much higher than a normal market would dictate. I would be very wary of buying right now, and would look into renting the sort of property I want to live in for a while.
Check out The Housing Bubble Blog before you buy and find out what's going on with real estate.
Never trust realtors. Their livelihood depends on completing transactions whether or not they are in the best interests of the sellers or buyers. A realtor will always tell you that the best time to buy is "right now".
Hey there google.
I'm actually not in a position to buy right now, and so I'm definitely waiting a little while. But I do think that location is very, very important.
I guess if I was a die-hard peaknik, I'd move to some isolated, rural area, but I'm not in a position to do that either.
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